As responsible dog owners, most of us are aware of the importance of exercise and stimulation to our dogs health and well being, but have you considered the impact your dogs food can have on his behaviour and well-being?
Your dog’s behaviour is often a reflection of what’s going on inside him. Here are some key points every dog owner should know:
1.Fatty Acids
Got a dog who isn’t very alert? By increasing the amount of the fatty acid DHA he consumes, studies have shown it increases alertness, particularly with puppies and younger dogs. A great source of fatty acid is Salmon Oil. This contains lots of Omega 3 which contributes to a shiny coat and improved skin condition too. Always consult your vet before supplementing your dogs diet.
2.Feed thSae Correct Amount of Food
Sometimes dogs develop nasty habits - such as eating faeces- we see it far too often! This is often a sign of a hungry dog but also a dog who isn’t getting the right amount of nutrients in his diet. Dogs can also develop a condition called ‘Pica’ - whereby dogs can eat non food objects, often soil and plants. Be sure to feed your dog ‘enough’ and be sure to feed him a balanced diet. Protein creates satiety, so ensure his protein level are high enough. High protein snacks like all of our Chewbox snacks are a great, healthy snack which will help your dog feel fuller, for longer.
3.You Get What You Pay For
Cheaper foods often contain lots of ‘filler’ - in the form of grains and wheat. Many dogs have allergies to grain and cereal. This can make them grumpy and miserable - as well as often making them gassy and have loose stools. This amount of starchy carbohydrates can also mean peaks and troughs in blood sugar, which manifests are hyper activity and excitability. Check the ingredients of your food and speak to your vet if you have any concerns.
4. Antioxidants
Anti oxidants are great for older dogs. A diet that include antioxidants helps maintain and improve brain function, and protect your dogs cells from free radicals. Carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, peas are just some natural examples of where you can find antioxidants - but you can buy many dog supplements also.
5. Regularity of Meals and Snacks
By feeding your dog at regular times each day, you help to maintain your dogs blood sugar levels. By avoiding highs and lows in blood sugar level, this helps maintain a steady flow of Serotonin (often called the ‘happy hormone’) which helps your dog to maintain concentration, and his responsiveness to training. Regular snacking helps your dog feel fuller for longer- just make sure the snacks aren’t carb laden.
- Sarah x